Message from HoD

Economics is omnipresent. Not only the top economic theorist but also the naive common people apply economic principles, sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly. The truth is that all types of human activities irrespective of their scale involve in some inherent or overt , economic underpinnings. This all pervasive impact of this discourse has provided a distinct edge to it in comparison to other domains.
Over the years, the scope and diversification centering around this discipline has also intensified . this has magnified its appeal to large extent. Economists with their strong natural logical abilities have made their marks in key roles of the country. In this regard foundational course in economics can really play the pivotal role.
The country has produced several eminent economic thinkers who have made strong inroads at the global level. A solid course structure of economics at undergraduate level is instrumental for this accomplishment. University of Calcutta is a vanguard in this odyssey.
Here at Shyampur Siddheswari Mahavidyalaya, economics is offered as minor and inter-disciplinary course both for BA and BSc stream. A sizable part of Bcom syllabus contains paper in economics. A rich and experienced faculty members of economics department of our collage, effectively and efficiently cater to the needs of the students. We are also planning to introduce economics as a major course in the near future. The students of this rural belt are welcome to enlighten themselves in the world of economics.
Dr. Sanjoy De,
Head of The Department of Economics